Photo of Daniela Lecchi Italy

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Two words to say who she is:

You need to Know how to look at, to see and get into heart to really discover: it's not such a common gift. D. Lecchi has got this talent and she devotes her self to the sign and to the meaning of the image, wisely working on figures, colours, chromatic assonances and discordances. She strts as an advertising graphic expert and illustrator; working on commission leads her to deal with any...

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Two words to say who she is:

You need to Know how to look at, to see and get into heart to really discover: it's not such a common gift. D. Lecchi has got this talent and she devotes her self to the sign and to the meaning of the image, wisely working on figures, colours, chromatic assonances and discordances. She strts as an advertising graphic expert and illustrator; working on commission leads her to deal with any subject and any technique, becoming an accurate and rigorous interpreter of our time; but she's also able to react to her professional conditio, fully recovering her creative power, asserting with the time her own comlete indipendence.

She's clever in telling tales, drifting off into dreams through the trasparences of the watercolours lghtness and gentleness, she used to "get into troubles" some way just to leave a deeper, stonger life, then getting out of it, innermost worm-out maybe, but also enriched and ready to address elements of her new dimension toward the poetry of her works which come after her, someetimes turning heavy with lumps of paint to catch different emotions.

Frail and obstinate, candid and inscrutable at times, easy-going and misterious, D. Lecchi is all of this.

She lives every day of her life as it would be the first one and sometimes even the last one, always determined, within the limits of an artist's mutability, to stick to herself: she always want to improve, she never wants to change.

Man can be great in sin, in repentance, in redemption, she's persuadedit's part of her life philosophy. The same philosophy driving her hand when she deals with a sheet of paper, with canvas, with the surface of a wall.


Daniela Lecchi.
Born in Genoa (Italy)in 1953, she takes the maturity near Artistic school of her town and complete her formation studying Publicity, Graphic advertising, Marketing at the "Europe's Institut of Design" in Milan.
Back in her own town she spends a long period in Rome working in "Vantaggio" art's gallery where artists like Vespignani, Maccari, Calabrese, Gentilini show their paints. With some of them she learns oil technique. For several years she draws illustrations like free lance, publishing for San Paolo Edition, Ikon, Fabbri and keep care for locals and nationals clients: Alitalia, Minerva, Palmera, Carige ecc.ecc.
She works like schenography at the Communal theater of Lyrics, signing the celebrating poster for the 150° anniversary from foundation.
From about 10 years she just paints and only now she begins to study new ways of expression.

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